Studies have shown that a grown trend in treating depression and how applying the word of God as a therapeutic method can bring restoration to the mind. A few doctors conducted studies and mentioned how if a person religious practices are implemented in treatment it could help improve their mental health.
"Religiously integrated CBT adheres to the same principles and style of conventional CBT and uses many of the same tools. What is unique to religiously integrated CBT is the explicit of the client’s own religious tradition as a major foundation to identify and replace unhelpful thoughts and behaviors to reduce depressive symptoms. When a client discusses symptoms and reactions to symptoms, therapists frame this material in terms of traditional CBT models and listen with a “third ear” for how this material can also be framed within a religiously integrative CBT model."
Taking this study under consideration and using spiritual interventions to replace unhelpful thoughts which stem from fear will lead to fear being replaced by faith. Faith in the fact that the adhering to these principles can lead to the reduction of depression. Therefore, it is crucial to identify these thoughts which the bible then encourages the believer to cast their cares upon him for he cares for them. How is this done? Remember that the key to this method is an individual tradition, so for a believer as they attend worship services the bible gives instructions on how to trust and obey the Lord's word. These methods if applied can be used as interventions toward replacing fear.
Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receive and he that seek finds and to him that knock it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
As the believer practice the scriptures this is the behavior that is changing the way he or she thinks. First, they have to know something about God and his ability, track record through studying his word. This understanding leads the believer to have a desire to ask according to the word which is the believer's tradition.This knowledge of the word helps them become active with focusing on being persistent in their knocking on heavens doors with a active mindset to have hope as they work towards the manifestation of reducing their depressive symptoms. The believer is actively working towards abandoned goals and other neglected projects as they practice the scriptures with an understanding that the reduction of their depression can only be effective if they are actively allowing the word of God to be the words that they are allowing to direct their thinking. This thinking will lead to a determined behavior to reach daily objectives with satisfying results.